What's your 'LEEP' from interested to buying?
1,000's of people might be 'interested' in your product, but haven't taken action due to a missing 'LEEP'
LEEP = Lowest Effort Entry Point.
I.e. the easiest, most rewarding action to move from INTERESTED to ENGAGED in your product.
Think of it as a free sample of ice cream, or a test drive in a new car.
It's a low effort, low risk starting point to experience your product's value.
(That also gives the you signals of who may/may-not be interested).
Marketing content like lead magnets or blogs are powerful for building interest/demand/trust - but they can lack legitimate product buying signals.
Previously we have relied on buyers to either:
🤕Be in enough pain to do something about it, or,
🤩See enough value that they are motivated to take action!
But since now the biggest blocker to buyer action is perceived effort and perceived risk…
It pays to start at the lower end of the y-axis (low effort), and as far right on the x-axis as you can (high value) - to help buyers take that 1 simple step towards your product.
For example:
✅A free trial of a product might be exciting to a potential buyer.
❌But the idea of configuring and learning a new tool might be perceived as too much time/effort and disqualify many of those interested.
I.e. moderate value * high effort = low action
Where as:
✅A 'pre-configured' free trial that provides example data of specific use case they are most interested in...
🏆Might be enough for them to take the LEEP
🏆See the value, validate their interest,
🏆Then be inclined to take further action towards buying.
I.e. moderate value * low effort = high action 🎉
Your LEEP is one of the most important steps in the customer journey.
It should be the point that indicates product-focused activity and buyer intent.
Your LEEP can be any type of prompt that:
Is focused on some form of product usage.
Will give them a clear experience of the unique value you offer.
Can be accessed effortlessly.
Does not demand long term commitment (low risk).
Will give them a great experience regardless if they proceed or not.
Will finish with prompt to the next (post-LEEP) step towards your product.
Each step on the customer journey should help you build trust and rapport with your buyer.
Jumping too quickly from INTEREST to COMMITMENT can be perceived as too risky, too high effort, and will likely scare them away.
You customer journey should be a smooth and effortless process from start to finish.
It should start from awareness that you exist 👉 all the way to loving your product as a raving advocate.
Your LEEP is one of the most important steps in this.
It should be the point in which the buyer begins to consider your product for their pains/needs.
Once we can get a buyer to LEEP, we can then afford to prompt higher-effort and higher-rewarding options over time.
Each one building more trust and rapport towards a buying decision.
1,000's of people might be 'interested' in your product, but haven't taken action due to a missing 'LEEP'